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2.7.1 Acoustics

Planning Rationale

The following recommendations constitute suggested acoustical design criteria and standard approach for the design of all schools to comply with CPS Facility Performance Standards (CPS FPS) and LEED™. Designing classrooms and educational facilities to achieve a LEED™ for Schools Certification requires meeting the Minimum Acoustical Prerequisite listed below. This prerequisite references the guidelines set forth in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard ANSI S12.60-2002 Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools. LEED™ Enhanced Criteria, if elected, is also listed for additional LEED™ credits.

Criteria noted below is considered the minimum which shall be overridden by LEED™ requirements in the case of conflict with variations noted for each specific case. Additional information on design guidelines is included in the ANSI standard and may be referenced by CPS when coordinating the design of future educational facilities. Information pertaining to best practices for new & existing renovation construction is included. Recommendations for existing construction and planned renovations are for reference and should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Implementation of recommendations may be limited due to budget and practical application. For additional details pertaining to specific room types see individual room data sheets.

  • For general room types both LEED™ and ANSI 12.60-2010 define rooms into classrooms and core learning spaces. The following room definitions are applicable for the entire document:
    • Small classrooms have room volumes smaller than 10,000 ft3.
    • Large classrooms have room volumes between 10,000 ft3 - 20,000 ft3.
    • Any classroom sizes over 20,000 ft3 shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with an acoustical consultant.
  • Core Learning Space per ANSI S12.60-2010 – “Spaces for educational activities where the primary functions are teaching and learning and where good speech communication is critical to a student’s academic achievement” Core learning spaces are categorized by room volume the same as small and large classrooms noted above.
  • Noise Survey: For projects sites located near or within a half mile (0.5 mi.) of any major noise source (i.e. aircraft over flight – inside of 60 Ldn contour of flight path map, highways, train, and industry) an exterior noise survey should be conducted by an acoustical consultant. The noise survey should be conducted during school hours under typical conditions to capture the loudest hour (~ 8 hrs.).

Fig.2.7A Maximum Steady State Background Noise Level (NC)

Room Type LEED v4 Enhanced / Minimum ANSI Standard S12.60-2010 Recommended Range (CPS FPS)
Small Classroom* Large Classroom* Core Learning Space** 35 / 40 dBA
(NC 30 / 35)
35 dBA
35-40 dBA
(NC-30 to 35)
Core Learning Spaces and ancillary spaces larger than 20,000 ft3 Assembly Spaces Multipurpose Rooms N/A 40 dBA
NC-35 to 40
Library N/A N/A NC-35 to 40
Gymnasium/Gymnatorium N/A N/A NC-40 to 45
Music Room

35 / 40 dBA

(NC 30 / 35)

N/A NC-30 to 35
Toilet Rooms N/A N/A NC-45 to 50

Private Offices

Open Offices





NC-35 max

NC-40 max

Dining N/A N/A NC-40 to 45
Mechanical Room N/A N/A N/A

Fig.2.7B Maximum Intermittent Background Noise from Exterior Sound Sources

Room Type LEED v4 Enhanced / Minimum ANSI Standard S12.60-2010 Recommended Range (CPS FPS)

Small Classroom*

Large Classroom*

Core Learning Space**

LEED v4 Enhanced:
Exterior windows/ doors must have a minimum STC 45 rating, unless outdoor and indoor noise levels can be verified to justify a lower rating.

LEED v4 Minimum:
High noise sites (peak hour Leq above 60 dBA during school hours) implement acoustic treatment and other measures to minimize noise intrusion from exterior sources to classrooms and core learning spaces. Projects at least 0.5 miles from noise source (i.e. aircraft over flight, highways, train, and industry) are exempt1 .

Core Learning Space and Classrooms ≤ 20,000 ft3 – The loudest 1 hr. average Leq from an exterior noise source shall not exceed 35 dBA.

Core Learning Space > 20,000 ft3 – The loudest 1 hr. average Leq from an exterior noise source shall not exceed 40 dBA.

For projects requiring OITC refer to sections – of ANSI Standard S12.60-20102.

40-45 dBA
  • For projects sites located near or within a half mile (0.5 mi.) of any major noise source (i.e. aircraft over flight – inside of 60 Ldn contour of flight path map, highways, train, and industry) an exterior noise survey should be conducted by an acoustical consultant. The noise survey should be conducted during school hours under typical conditions to capture the loudest hour (~ 8 hrs.).
  • Projects requiring OITC should retain an acoustical consultant to review.

Fig 2.7C Minimum STC Ratings Floor-to-Ceiling Assemblies

Room Adjacency LEED v4 Enhanced / ANSI Standard
Recommended Range (CPS FPS)
Classroom to Classroom3 STC-50 STC-45 to 50
Classroom to Toilet Room1 STC-53 STC-55 to 60
Classroom to Corridor, Office, Library STC-45 STC-40 to 45
Classroom to Music Room, Gymnasium, Mechanical Room STC-60 STC-60
Music Room to any other occupied adjacent space 4 STC-60 STC-55 to 602
Mechanical Equipment Rooms STC-55 to 60 STC-55 to 602
Minimum Exterior Wall / Window Construction STC-45 STC-35 to 45+
TBD based on nature of exterior noise
  • Projects requiring OITC should retain an acoustical consultant to review.
  • Projects requiring OITC should retain an acoustical consultant to review.
  • Where restroom sink/toilet chase walls backup against an occupied space, a double stud partition (STC 60 should be used.
  • Depending on the proximity to the nearest adjacent occupied space (i.e. music room or mechanical room not adjacent to classrooms or core learning space) the recommended STC rating may be relaxed to STC 55, to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  • Partition type includes operable partition separating classrooms or other core learning spaces.
  • Additional Music Room isolation shall be determined on a case by case basis.

Fig 2.7D Minimum IIC Ratings of Floor-Ceiling Assemblies

Room Type Range ANSI Standard Recommended
Classroom IIC-45 to 50 IIC-45 to 50
Library IIC-45 IIC-45
Gymnasium IIC-50 to 70* IIC-50 to 70*
Music Room IIC-50 IIC-50
Toilet Room IIC-50-70* IIC-50-70*
Offices IIC-45 IIC-45
Dining IIC-50-70* IIC-50-70*
Mechanical Room IIC-45 IIC-45
  • *Upper range of criteria shall be utilized when space in question is above a classroom 
  • IIC 70 – Minimum if renovation to existing gymnasia, dance studios, and similar rooms located above core learning space less than 20,000 ft3 . IIC 65 - for spaces greater than 20,000 ft3 .
  • Refer to Best Practice Guidelines for additional details.

Fig. 2.7E Maximum Reverberation Time (RT60)

Room Type LEED Minimum ANSI Standard S12.60-2010 Recommended Range
Small Classroom* / Core Learning Space** Reverberation Times are the same as ANSI Standard S12.60-2010 for Small and Large Classrooms / Core Learning Spaces.

Conformance Criteria: Rooms < 20,000 ft3

Option 1: For each room, confirm total surface area (wall panels, ceiling finishes, and other finishes) should equal or exceed the total ceiling area with a minimum NRC 0.7.

Option 2: Confirm through calculation in ANSI S12.60-2010 that rooms are designed to meet reverberation time requirements. Equation 1 below satisfies stipulation 5.3.2 from ANSI S12.60-2010 for core learning spaces less than 10,000 ft3 to be readily adaptable to reduce reverberation time to 0.3 seconds. (Eq. 1) A ≥ kV/T60. A = total absorptive surface area, k = 0.049 ft. /s, V = volume ft3, T60 = target reverberation time.
0.6 Seconds 0.6 Seconds
Large Classroom* / Core Learning Space** 0.7 Seconds 0.7 Seconds
Classroom* / Core** Learning Spaces larger than 20,000 ft3 Rooms greater than 20,000 ft3 to meet the recommended reverberation time for classrooms and core learning spaces outlined in NRCCNRC Construction Technology Update No. 51, Acoustical Design of Rooms for Speech (2002). N/A TBD on case by case basis
Gymnasium N/A N/A < 1.5 Seconds
Music Room See classroom / core learning space requirements above. N/A TBD on a case by case basis
Dining N/A N/A < 1.5 Seconds

Fig. 2.7F Classroom Audio Distribution Systems

Room Type ANSI S12.60-2010
Classrooms/ Core Learning Spaces For adaptable/flex classrooms that include an audio system, the following criteria shall apply: The system shall have uniform coverage within ± 2.5 dB for octave-band sound pressure levels within midband frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz.