7.1.1 Philosophy and Goals
The overall design philosophy for the Chicago Public School Plumbing Systems is to provide a resource efficient system that limits water usage, properly sizes system for proper flow of water, storm and sanitary; and provides adequate capacity for current and future expansion for all systems.
7.1.2 Resource Efficiency Goals
All new design projects and major replacement projects shall incorporate utility rebates based on new equipment efficiency and system selection. On renovation type projects, additional rebates can be incorporated into for the addition or replacement of insulation and other overall energy saving methods.
Performance Modeling
Some projects may include modeling of water usage for the building. The goal of all projects is to reduce overall water usage and the amount of water heating by the use of external fuel sources. Refer to Appendix "X" for Integrative Design Process.
The reduction in water usage is a major consideration when selecting plumbing fixtures in order to reduce aggregate water consumption by a minimum of 20% from a baseline using conventional fixtures. The use of hybrid systems or alternate energy efficient systems shall be considered.