Planning Rationale
The Black Box Theatre is a flexible performance space that is intended primarily for live theatre. It will have a flat floor and allow for flexible seating arrangements.
Image Source: AJ Brown / Hancock High School
The Black Box Theatre is a flexible performance space that is intended primarily for live theatre. It will have a flat floor and allow for flexible seating arrangements.
It will be possible to arrange the stage and audience in a variety of configurations—end stage, thrust stage, arena, etc. The theatre will be equipped with a system of seating platforms and comfortable stacking chairs that can be ganged into rows of seats. The portable platforms can be used for both seating and staging risers. The platform system should be able to conform to any configuration required in coordination with the school. Potential seating configurations must be predetermined for code review.
The theatre will have a minimum of two entry doors at the stage level to allow the public to access the seating and the actors to access the stage, no matter what the configuration.
The flooring in this room shall be sprung stage flooring. The ability to attach production elements – scenery, lighting, projection equipment, etc. – to the walls will be necessary. The ability to have a modular floor, so that it can be removed or reconfigured for added flexibility, is preferred.
The stage curtain set will consist of curtain tracks which may be pulled into various masking configurations.
A system of galleries, catwalks, and/or pipe grid shall provide for mounting and servicing theatrical lighting. At a minimum, there is a pipe grid over the entire space at 16 to 20 feet high. At a maximum, there are perimeter galleries around three sides at approximately 16-feet high and stage lighting catwalks running parallel to the wall without a gallery.
The lighting system will include similar sub-systems and connections as noted for the stage.
An elevated control suite will be provided in the non-gallery face of the theatre at the secondfloor level for the operation and control of the lighting, sound and stage management.