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High School Types

Find information about types of high schools you can apply to at CPS.

Types of High Schools

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    Career and Technical Education (CTE)

    Hands-on training in an industry with an opportunity to earn college credit, certifications, and participate in job shadows and internships. GoCPS application is required.

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    Independently operated schools that are authorized by the Chicago Board of Education, governed by a Boards of Directors, and can exercise autonomy over many student-related policies. GoCPS application is required.

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    These are housed in a high school that has no neighborhood attendance boundary. All must apply to attend with the exception of schools with an eighth grade. GoCPS application is required.

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    This is a school or program that serves eighth grade in the same building that serves grades 9-12. If enrolled in a Continuing program, no GoCPS application is required if the students wants to continue in the ninth grade program at the same school.

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    Managed by external operators, funded and monitored by the district, and must adhere to all student-related district policies. GoCPS application is required.

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    Schools that are operated by CPS.

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    Neighborhood Schools

    General education programs that give priority to the students that live within the attendance boundaries. Non-attendance area students must apply.

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    Service Leadership Academies

    These four-year high schools prepare students for college and subsequent careers through leadership opportunities and co-curricular activities. Visit GoCPS application is required.

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Office of Access & Enrollment (OAE)


Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602