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Ranking GoCPS Programs

The GoCPS selection process is designed to offer applicants the highest ranked program on their GoCPS application that they are eligible for and that has available seats. This applies to both Choice and Selective Enrollment programs.

What Is Ranking?

Ranking is simply the order that you would want to attend a program. The program you want to attend most will be ranked #1, and your second choice will be ranked #2, and so on.

Ranking Programs on the GoCPS Application

All applicants will be required to rank all the programs they are applying for in order of their preference to attend that programming each category. Choice programs and Selective Enrollment programs are ranked separately.

How to Rank Programs


Make separate lists of the Choice and Selective Enrollment programs you want your child to be considered for.


Rank each program in each list from your most desired program to your least desired program.


Add this order to the GoCPS application.

Common Ranking Misconceptions

The selection system is designed so families can remove perceived probability from their rankings. There’s no way of knowing what the applicant pool is for any program in any given year, so there’s no way to know what the chances are to get an offer to any specific program. All selections are made simultaneously via a computerized system–schools are not involved in the process. So, it's critical that you're honest about your rankings. Ranking your first choice lower can end up costing you an offer from your "real" first choice.

Myth #1:

How you rank popular programs impacts your chances at an offer.

Myth #2:

Listing more programs hurts your chances of getting an offer to your highest-ranked programs.


The selection process is designed to give you your most preferred option. It places you in line for every program you apply to based on your lottery number or point total. It then looks for the highest ranked program that you’re eligible for and that has open seats. Once you get matched to your highest ranked program, you’ll get an offer for that program, and only that program. You WILL NOT be waitlisted for programs ranked lower than the offer you received.

Best Strategy

Rank each program according to your honest order of preference. Don’t rank your first choice as number two or three with the belief that the “odds'' are better at a “safe” school.

Changing Programs and Rankings

If you need to re-rank your programs, you can do so as many times as needed within the application window. Once the application window closes, you will no longer be able to re-rank your choices.

Office of Access & Enrollment (OAE)


Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602