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Admissions Testing for Selective Enrollment (K-8)

All Selective Enrollment Elementary School (SEES) programs require admissions testing. Depending on the type of program, students may be required to take more than one test.

SEES Admissions Exams

There are three types of Selective Enrollment exams. The number of tests your child takes depends on the programs to which you apply. Magnet programs are NOT considered SEES programs and do not require testing.

  • One test for the Academic Centers and Regional Gifted Centers: Measures critical thinking skills, reasoning, problem solving, and mental control. Mental control is the ability to hold information in the short-term memory while performing a mental operation.
  • One test for the Classical Schools: An achievement skills test that assesses the student's reading and mathematics abilities. Calculators are not permissible unless noted otherwise through an IEP or 504 Plan.
  • One test for the Regional Gifted Centers for English Learners: Measures critical thinking skills, reasoning, problem solving, and mental control. Mental control is the ability to hold information in the short-term memory while performing a mental operation.

Admission Testing Requirements

  • Children Learning

    Grades K-4

    All age-appropriate students applying for kindergarten through grade 4 will be allowed to test based on the programs selected in the application. Students must be able to separate from their parents to walk with the examiner to the assessment room. Parents are not allowed to accompany children into the assessment area.

  • Children looking through a microscope

    Grades 5-8

    Testing eligibility for students applying for grades 5-8 is based on the student’s GPA from their previous school year. Students with an IEP must have the same GPA minimum. Testing accommodations identified in students’ IEP or 504 Plans will be provided if applicable.

    • Academic Centers: GPA of 2.5 or better in Reading, Math, Science and Social Science.
    • Classical Schools: GPA of 3.0 or better in Reading, Math, Science and Social Science.
    • Regional Gifted Center: GPA of 3.0 or better in Reading, Math, Science and Social Science.
    • Regional Gifted Centers for English Learners Testing: GPA of 2.5 or better in Reading, Math, Science and Social Science.

To calculate GPA, assign each grade of the core subjects a score (using the table below). Add the scores together and divide the total by 4. (GPA will be automatically calculated in the application)

A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0

Scheduling Admission Exam(s)

Appointments for admissions exams are scheduled in the GoCPS application. If a student does not participate in the required admissions exam, they will not be considered in the selection process for that school/program.

  • Kindergarten: If two separate tests are required, both tests will be given on the same day.
  • Grades 1-8: If two separate tests are required, the tests will be administered on two separate days.

Test Preparation

CPS does not recommend, endorse, or sponsor any test preparation courses, study guides, or sample questions for the Selective Enrollment Schools testing process. Learn More

General Information for Test Day

Information such as parking instructions, what time to arrive, and other details will be emailed to parents/guardians in a testing ticket approximately 1-2 weeks before the scheduled exam.

Child Sick on Scheduled Test Day

Do not take child(ren) to test if they are ill. If the test was scheduled via the online GoCPS application site, return to that site to reschedule. If you are unable to reschedule, contact the Office of Access and Enrollment by calling the OAE Hotline or emailing at

Admission Test Retakes

No retakes are allowed. Once your child has been exposed to the admissions exam, they cannot take the exam again for the coming school year. Exception: Retesting is only considered if, at the time of testing, the student had a public school IEP or 504 Plan that identified allowable district assessment standard accommodations, which were required to measure the academic achievement and functional performance relevant to a subject area on the admissions exam, and these accommodations were not provided to the candidate.

Test Results

All GoCPS applicants will receive their test results in spring, when the application results are released. Test scores will only be released for those active in the selection process.

Office of Access & Enrollment (OAE)


Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602