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Special Education

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides the tools and resources to ensure that all students with disabilities receive a high quality public education that prepares students for success.

OSD is responsible for student evaluations, creating and monitoring Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and working with schools, staff, and families to fulfill these plans towards greater student development and achievement. OSD uses a data-driven approach to best support the needs of each individual student, and does so in compliance with federal and state regulations regarding special education, including the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Developmental Screenings and Assessments

Early Childhood

The Child Find Screening Team offers free developmental screenings for children aged 0 - 5 who reside in the city. Early detection of developmental delays and high quality interventions can change a child’s development trajectory and can improve your child’s physical, social/emotional, cognitive development, and communication.

Learn More

CPS Student

School-based special education evaluation teams are responsible for the identification, assessment, and support of students who may have disabilities and require special education services. 

If you have concerns about your child’s development or progress in school, reach out to your child’s teacher, counselor, or social worker.  Formal requests for an evaluation should be made in writing and addressed to the school principal and case manager.

Learn more

Non-CPS Student

Parents of school-aged private school or homeschooled students (kindergarten and older), who reside in Chicago but are not enrolled in CPS, may request an evaluation with the Citywide Assessment Teams.  

Formal requests for evaluations can be made by contacting the OSD Citywide Assessment Team. 


Parent Supports

CPS is committed to strengthening relationships and collaboration between families, schools, and community partners through the creation of a shared vision. OSD provides a number of resources and training opportunities to assist parents in caring for their children and securing the right services, supports, and individualized instruction plans to aid their learning. Additionally, through groups like the OSD Family Advisory Board, parents can participate in and influence the development of district policies for students with disabilities.

Parent Support Specialists

Parent Support Specialists are engagement liaisons who help families navigate supports and services for students with disabilities.

Meet Our Specialists

OSD Family Advisory Board (OSD FAB)

The OSD Family Advisory Board (formerly known as ODLSS Parent Advisory Council) is a community of families with students with disabilities who have a shared interest in collaborating with OSD to support students by enhancing special education supports and services.

Join the OSD FAMILY advisory board


STARnet offers parent and educator training workshops, webinars, technical assistance, and a lending library for those caring for young children, from birth to age eight, with an emphasis on children with special needs and IEPs.


Office for Students with Disabilities


773-553-1801 (Fax)

42 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60602

We Want to Hear From You!

Share your thoughts and experiences in the OSD Feedback Survey. Every answer helps improve our services and support for students with disabilities.

Take the Survey

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OSD Helpline

Call the OSD Helpline at 773-553-1800 for one-on-one assistance with your student with disabilities, IEP/504 support, or for more information. The help line is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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