Union Web Sites and Contact Information
Read the agreement between the Chicago Board of Education and the Chicago Teachers Union
Mailing Address: 1901 W. Carroll Ave., Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: 312-329-9100
Fax: 312-329-6203 -
Read the agreement between the Chicago Board of Education and Unite Here
Mailing Address: 218 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-663-4373
Fax: 312-986-3828 -
Local 73/SEIU 73 - Service Employees’ International Union
Read the agreement between the Chicago Board of Education and the Service Employees' International Union, Local 73
Mailing Address: 300 S. Ashland Ave, 4th Floor, Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312-787-5868
Fax: 312-337-7768 -
Local 1 - Service Employees International Union, Firemen & Oilers Division
Read the agreement between the Chicago Board of Education and Service Employees' International Union, Fireman & Oilers Division
Mailing Address: 111 E Wacker, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60601 (Chicago Office)
Phone: 312-233-8880 -
Local 700 - Teamsters
Read the agreement between the Chicago Board of Education and the Teamsters
Mailing Address: 1300 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 302, Park Ridge, IL 60068
Phone: 847-939-9700
Fax: 847-518-6495To learn more about collective bargaining and to view other contracts, please visit CPS Collective Bargaining.
Discipline Processes
Overview of Employee Discipline
The “Discipline Process Flowchart ” provides a high-level overview of the discipline processes for members of the Chicago Teachers Union, and all other unionized employees. For questions regarding navigating Aspen, please refer to the resources posted on the Aspen website.
If you are part of school administration or are a supervisor or manager and contemplating termination of an employee you directly manage, please discuss with your Human Resource School (HRSP) or Business Partner (HRBP). If you need further guidance regarding employee discipline, please contact your HRSP and HRBP.
In addition to any directives listed below for where disciplinary documentation should be sent, please email all disciplinary documentation and supporting documents to AdministrativeHearings@cps.edu to ensure the documentation is properly logged and recorded with the district.
Chicago Board of Education's Policies and Rules
The Chicago Board of Education's Policy Handbook and Rules include many provisions that regulate employee conduct.
- Read the Chicago Board of Education's Policy Handbook
- Read the Chicago Board of Education's Rules
Chicago Teachers Union's Discipline Process
Please e-mail Pre-Meeting Notices, Performance Improvements Plans and all supporting documentation to the Union at: grievancedepartment@ctulocal1.org and the CTU Field Representative. If needed, you can find your schools' assigned CTU representative's name and email on the Chicago Teachers Union website. The subject line for the email to the Union should include: member name, member position, school name, and the name of your school's assigned CTU field representative.
Please download the following templates of the discipline forms that should be used:
- Discipline Matrix
- Pre-Meeting Notice (Steps 1 and 2)
- Rescheduled Pre-Meeting Notice (Steps 1 and 2)
- Pre-Meeting Notice (Step 3)
- Rescheduled Pre-Meeting Notice (Step 3)
- PIP (Performance Improvement Plan)
In order to edit the Google Documents listed above, please go to File > Make a copy and save the document however you'd like on your Google Drive.
All Other Unions' Discipline Process
For Local 73 SEIU bargaining unit members: e-mail signed Notices of Pre-Discipline Hearing, with supporting documentation, and any signed Notices of Disciplinary Action that were not issued at the end of the meeting to: notices@seiu73.org and copy: krozwadowski@seiu73.org.
Please click the following links to access templates of the discipline documents that should be used:
- Employee Discipline and Due Process Policy
- Cautionary Notice
- Notice of Pre-Discipline Hearing
- Notice of Rescheduled Pre-Discipline Hearing
- Discipline Hearing Summary
- Written Reprimand
- Notice of Disciplinary Action
In order to edit the Google Documents listed above, please go to File > Make a copy and save the document however you'd like on your Google Drive.
Non-Union Employees
The Non-Union Employees Employment Guidelines provides an overview of the performance, management and discipline of non-union employees.
Please click the following links to access templates of the discipline documents that should be used:
- Discipline Matrix
- Non-Union Employee Performance Improvement Plan
- Non-Union Employee Misconduct Form
In order to edit the Google Documents listed above, please go to File > Make a copy and save the document however you'd like on your Google Drive.
Principals and Assistant Principals
The Principal and Assistant Principal Employment Guidelines set forth guidelines for the appointment, assignment, displacement, discipline and termination of principals and assistant principals.
Pre-Suspension Hearings for Tenured Teachers and Contract Principals
The Guidelines Governing Pre-Suspension Hearings for Tenured Teachers and Contract Principals provides protocols to suspend a teacher or contract principal without pay pending a Section 34-85 dismissal hearing.
"Do Not Hire"
- Current CEO Guidelines for Designating Separated Employees as Ineligible for Rehire (Amended May 21, 2021)
- Archived CEO Guidelines for Designating Separated Employees as Ineligible for Rehire (Amended October 1, 2015)
DNH Removal Request Procedures
Pursuant to the "CEO's Guidelines for Designating Separated Employees as Ineligible for Rehire," eligibility for rehire is a hiring standard that is within the sole discretion of the Board to establish.
Separated employees who have a "DNH" designation on their record may petition the CEO for removal by taking the steps outlined below:
- Please review the CEO's Guidelines for Designation Employees as Ineligible for Rehire (linked above) in full before preparing your request to remove the DNH designation.
- Submit a letter (typewritten or handwritten) to the DNH Committee with a request to remove the DNH designation and an explanation of why the DNH designation is no longer valid or should be excused.
- You may limit your petition to volunteer or work for a CPS vendor as outlined in section V of the current guidelines.
- If you are a member of a bargaining unit, your exclusive representative may submit its opinion in writing about whether the DNH designation should be removed and reasons for its opinion.
- You may include evidence in support of your request to remove the DNH designation, which includes letters of recommendation. All evidence must be in writing. If you chose to include letters of recommendation, they should be dated and must clearly identify the author.
- Please ensure that your petition letter includes a current mailing address and a phone number or e-mail address where you can be reached. When submitting your petition request, please include your former CPS Employee ID, last four digits of your social security number or your birthdate.
- The letter and any accompanying documents must be emailed to the Office of Administrative Hearings at DNHpetitions@cps.edu, and the subject of the email should state: "DNH Removal Petition - [First and Last Name]."
- The DNH Committee will review your request letter, accompanying documents and the circumstances in which you left CPS. The DNH Committee will give due consideration to the opinion of the labor organization, any exigent circumstances, subsequent remediation, or subsequent evidence.
- A decision is typically made within 15-20 business days. However, please note that this timeframe may be extended due to holidays, high petition volume, or other factors.
- The DNH Committee will inform you of its decision in writing, which will either be mailed or emailed to you at the mailing or email address you provided in your letter or to the last known mailing or email address CPS has on file for you.
- You may request to remove the DNH designation at any time after the DNH has been placed; however, a request for removal will only be considered once every twelve (12) months.
- Please note that the decision of whether to remove the DNH from your record is discretionary.
Sick Day Transfer
The Sick Day Transfer process has moved to the Absence and Disability Department located in the Talent Office. For more information, please visit the Absence and Disability website.
Reference Materials
OAH has compiled materials to assist principals, administrators and employees with understanding certain Board policies and rules, collective bargaining agreement provisions, and other labor relations issues. Please see below for available materials and check back for future updates.
Please click the following links to view the available reference materials:
Template Staff Handbook
Employee Information
PPLC Information
Substitute Teachers
Administrative Hearings
- Administrative Hearing Norms for In-Person Hearings
- Administrative Hearing Norms for Remote Hearings
Grievance Process
Background Operating Procedures
Employee Notices
CPS employees are entitled to receive notice in a conspicuous location of certain events or information regarding their rights. Please see below for current notices and check back regularly for future notices and updates.
Illinois Service Member Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Effective January 1, 2019, the rights of Illinois employees serving in the military will be governed by the Illinois Service Member Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (ISERRA). For more information, please read Your Rights Under the Illinois Service Member employment and Reemployment Rights Act .
Notices to Employees from the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and the Chicago Board of Education have filed a joint stipulated petition for unit clarification to add the following job title to the CTU Bargaining Unit: Early College STEM Specialist. Please read the Notice to Employees for more information.
THIS IS A NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES THAT MUST BE POSTED PURSUANT TO THE ILLINOIS EDUCATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD’S OPINION AND ORDER IN Chicago Board of Education/Sinkevicius, Case Nos. 2019-CA-0031-C & 2019-CA-0071-C. Please read the Notice to Employees for more information.
Additional Contacts
Office of Inspector General
567 W. Lake St.
Suite 1120
Chicago, IL 60661