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Office of Student Protections and Title IX

The mission of the Office of Student Protections and Title IX (OSP) and the Equal Opportunity Compliance Office (EOCO) is to promote a District that is free from abuse, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. We engage collaboratively with our stakeholders to remove barriers to academic programs and activities to provide an equitable, inclusive, and safe learning and work environment. By working together to safeguard civil rights, we positively impact school communities affected by harm.

Office of Student Protections and Title IX


110 N. Paulina St.
Chicago, IL 60612

Acting Chief Title IX Officer
Elizabeth Mendoza Browne


The information and related policies/procedures reflected on this page were last updated November 15, 2024. The District’s policies and procedures are under review given the new guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights’ Dear Colleague Letter issued February 4, 2025.

What We Do

  • Coordination

    Responsible for coordinating the district’s response to all reports of abuse, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, involving students. Our efforts promote civil rights and the well being of the whole child while maintaining procedural and regulatory compliance. This includes claims falling under Title VI and Title IX.

  • Investigations

    Responsible for leading trauma-informed investigations for Title VI, Title IX, the most serious or complex allegations of sexual misconduct between students and civil rights discrimination, such as racial discrimination. This team is also responsible for investigations related to serious employee misconduct towards students, including allegations of physical/verbal abuse, corporal punishment, and sex/gender-based or racial discrimination.

  • Training and Prevention

    Creates district wide student and staff training, and prevention programming that, both, safeguards against future harm and prepares our district staff to address any instance of harm promptly and appropriately. This team is also responsible for promoting agency and awareness among students and parents, ensuring they are fully informed of the resources and supports available to them. Training offered meets all mandates required under federal, state, and local laws to include training on Title VI and Title IX.

  • Compliance

    Responsible for ensuring District’s compliance with Title IX sports and other systemic inequities including academic inequity, maintaining up-to-date policies and procedures that are compliant with federal, state, and local laws (including Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX), and using the OSP case management system to run high quality reports and present data to stakeholders.

File a Report Online

Use the links below to report one of the following allegations, which are prohibited by Title IX and CPS policy:

  • sex/gender-based discrimination,
  • sex/gender-based harassment,
  • sexual misconduct (grooming, inappropriate touching, sexual electronic communication, sexual bullying, sexual exploitation, and exposure/voyeurism/masturbation), or
  • retaliation.

This report can also be used to report incidents of

  • race, color, or national origin discrimination (Title VI),
  • discrimination based on another protected category,
  • bias based harm,
  • staff to student physical abuse or corporal punishment,
  • retaliation,
  • sports inequity,
  • or academic inequity.

The ASPEN Report should be used by CPS staff to report allegations involving students.
The Report Form should be used by students, parents or guardians, members of the public, and charter school staff who do not have access to ASPEN.


File by Email

Submit complaints to

File by Telephone

Submit complaints to 773-535-4400.

File In Person or By Mail

Submit complaints directly to OSP in person or via USPS mail to 110 N. Paulina St., Chicago, 60612.

Reporting Requirements

All CPS staff, charter schools with access to Aspen, vendors, contractors, and consultants are required to use the "Mandatory Procedure for Reporting a Complaint" protocol outlined in the OSP Procedure Manual. Only a student, parent or guardian, or member of the public may choose to report an allegation anonymously. We are not able to guarantee that your report will remain confidential. In certain instances, we may be required to disclose it by law. If you have any questions, please call our office at 773-535-4400 or email

Equity in Athletics

We are dedicated to meeting student athletic interest by working with schools to ensure that all students can meaningfully participate in athletics at CPS.

Learn More

Pregnant and Parenting Students

We are committed to providing our pregnant and parenting students with equitable access to high-quality education including a comprehensive and innovative network of support and instructional options.

LeaRn More

Training for Staff

As required by the Final Title IX Rule, all materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process must be made publicly available on this website.

Training for Students

Training for Parents

Civil Rights Scholars

Facilitated by the Office of Student Protections and Title IX Training Team, the Civil Rights Scholars consist of high school students from across the district with an opportunity to expand their leadership capabilities, build community across the District, and shape Chicago Public Schools' response to bias-based harm.

Learn more about the program and how to apply.


Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX, Title VII and Title VI should be addressed to Acting Chief Title IX Officer, Elizabeth Mendoza Browne, the District’s Title IX Coordinator. at 110 N, Paulina St., Chicago, Illinois 60612; Telephone: 773-535-4400; Email: and/or to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Education, 230 South Dearborn Street, 37th Floor, Chicago, Illinois, 60604, Telephone: 312-730-1560; Email:

Any inquiries or complaints by anyone related to discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation based on a student’s disability and/or on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender or sex (includes gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and pregnancy related medical conditions), and gender equity in athletics or academics should be addressed to the Office of Student Protections and Title IX at 110 N. Paulina St., Chicago, Illinois 60612; Telephone: 773-535-4400; Email:

Any student in need of assistance in processing of their Title IX sexual misconduct grievance can contact Karen Goldmeier, Director of OSP Investigations
