Parent Consent Forms - Texting to a Student Cell Phone
The Policy authorizes schools/school staff to text/IM to a student cell phone in very limited circumstances. If a Principal approves texting to a student’s cell phone under one of the limited exceptions, the school will send a parent/guardian one of the following consent forms. Parents must provide written consent to have their child receive authorized text/instant messages from their school or school staff by signing and returning the consent from.
- Consent for Bulk Text Notifications and Alerts
To obtain parental consent for CPS to communicate with the parents and their student via a bulk text notification system or instant message (IM) to periodically deliver automated text messages regarding school or district events, updates or initiatives. - Consent for Pre-Approved Safety Meet-up Text Messages Between Staff and Students FOR 9th-12th GRADERS ONLY
To obtain parental consent for CPS staff members to communicate with the parents and their student via text message or instant message (IM) if necessary, for the purposes of student safety related to an educational or extra curricular activity. - Consent for Text Messages and Alerts—CPS Programs for Re-Engagement of Out-of-School Youth, Chronic Truants and Students Exiting Juvenile Facilities
To obtain parental consent for CPS staff members to utilize mobile device communications to text message or instant message (IM) parents and their student regarding outreach efforts, updates, and initiatives geared towards assisting students with enrolling in school, staying in school and succeeding in school.
Classroom Social Media Authorization and Parent Consent Forms
The Policy permits school staff to establish a social media page for student use as part of a class, school activity or program when authorized by the principal and when the social media page conforms with CPS social media requirements. If the principal has approved a school staff member to use CPS social media with students, the school will send a parent/guardian the CPS Social Media Opt-Out Form. If a parent does not want their child using a classroom social media site, the parent should sign the Opt-Out Form and return it to the school.
- Classroom Social Media Authorization Form
For school staff to use when seeking principal authorization to establish a social media site for their classroom, program, team, etc. - Classroom Social Media Parent Notification Letter and Opt-out Form
To inform parents of all classroom social media tools used in connection with lessons and assignments to facilitate student learning. Parents may choose to opt their student out of participating in the use of any of these tools.