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Educational Facilities Master Plan

Every five years, CPS produces an Educational Facilities Master Plan. This document is the critical first step in the District's ambitious overall plan to update, improve, and modernize the facilities where our students learn.

The Educational Facilities Master Plan includes a comprehensive, neighborhood-by-neighborhood analysis of the current state of CPS facilities, their capacity, and current realities. It includes information about enrollment trends, program offerings, demographics, and unique community needs that will help guide decision-making. It details the facilities investments CPS is making now, and the analyses that will be used to determine investments going forward—including the District’s Annual Regional Analysis (ARA), biennial Facility Condition Assessment, Five-Year Planning Area Analysis, and others.

Key Components

  • document screenshot

    EFMP Document

    View the 2023 Educational Facilities Master Plan to learn about the District’s approach to prioritizing facilities investments.

    View the Document

  • EFMP Map

    EFMP Map

    View details of the Educational Facilities Master Plan in our searchable, interactive map. Filter information by school, region, and more.

    View Map

  • parent meeting image

    Community Roundtables

    In December 2023 and January 2024, the district solicited community input via roundtable discussions at 16 sites to aid the the process of evaluating its facilities.

    Learn More

EFMP Sources

The EFMP contains the information from the following sources that will be used to guide decision-making on facility improvements:

Five-Year Planning Area Analysis

A key data source that CPS uses is the Planning Area Analysis, which is developed every five years in conjunction with the Educational Facilities Master Plan. Like the Annual Regional Analysis, the Planning Area Analysis is divided into the same 16 planning areas, which use natural market boundaries and breaks in the physical environment (such as expressways, rivers, and rail lines) to suggest common needs and interests between neighborhoods.

The Planning Area Analysis contains in-depth information for each area, including history, population trends, current educational facilities, utilization, a capital projects overview, facility needs, and other key data.

Biennial Facility Condition Assessment

Every two years, CPS produces a Facility Condition Assessment that evaluates the general health of physical facilities by identifying and prioritizing deficiencies that require corrective action for long-term use of the campus.


The Facility Condition Assessment:

  • Provides an objective and consistent evaluation of every building and identifies overall facility needs across the District.
  • Documents the condition and quantity of all major building systems, evaluates them in terms of their condition and recommended service life, and identifies deficiencies for repair.
  • Informs short and long-term capital planning for CPS and serves as the basis for project development and prioritization of future capital projects.
  • Provides essential data to support other user agencies and CPS departments.

Annual Regional Analysis (ARA)

The ARA is a series of reports providing critical information about each of the District’s 16 planning areas.


Each regional report has four sections:

  • Quality: Information on the quality of schools in a region over the last four years.
  • Quantity: Information on CPS student population trends and total available seats.
  • Choice: Information on whether students are choosing to attend school in their region (an indication of the quality of availability options).
  • Variety: Information on the types of schools and programs offered.