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1423 W BRYN MAWR Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60660



Welcome! Here you can find key information about our school, including information about our student population, support programs, grade levels we serve, accessibility, and any special recognition we have received.

General Informationmagnifying glass icon

Number of Students 1119
School Grades PK,K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Governance District
Network ISP
Attendance Boundaries No
Accountability Status Good Standing

Support Programsnotes icon

Transition Program No
Multisensory Program No
Significantly Modified Curriculum w/ Moderate Supports Program No
Significantly Modified Curriculum w/ Intensive Supports Program No

Languageglobe icon

World Language Programs Spanish

Accessibilityaccessibility icon

Campus Accessibility Not Accessible
Parking Accessibility Staff Only

Early Childhood Programsblocks icon

Pre-K Yes

Additional Informationdocuments icon

Dress Code   No
Title I Eligible   No

Student Racial Makeup

Student Population Overview


Economic Disadvantage


IEP Status Specialized Learning/Services


English Learners


Student Transfer Rate

Stay Tuned
We are currently collecting information for this section. Data will be available and published shortly.

School Recognition


Preschool ExceleRate Rating

ExceleRate Illinois is a quality rating and improvement system that establishes a common vision of high quality early learning programs. Programs can achieve a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Circle of Quality rating by meeting or exceeding indicators established by ExceleRate Illinois. The ratings for CPS Pre-K programs are determined through CLASS observations. ExceleRate Illinois uses the highest school CLASS scores from the past three years.
To learn more, visit

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Creative Schools

This school is Excelling in the arts. It meets the goals and priorities outlined in the CPS Arts Education Plan, including Staffing & Instruction, Partnerships, Community & Culture, and Budget & Planning. To learn more, visit

Arts Image


Supportive School

This school has put in place systems and structures to support social and emotional learning (SEL). This may include SEL action plans, ongoing training for teachers and staff, partnerships with community organizations, time for SEL in the master schedule, and/or targeted and intensive SEL services.

Sel Image


Specialty Program Certification Designation

Exemplary Schools are ones in which evidence shows program standards are being implemented with fidelity, upheld by members of the school community, and positively impact the student experience. They have established the foundational site conditions needed to sustain program implementation over time.

International Baccalaureate - Primary Years Programme International Baccalaureate - Middle Years Programme

CPS | 610122