Office phone numbers and locations
Central Office
773-553-1000 | 42 W. Madison St. Chicago, IL 60602 | GSR #125
Board Office
773-553-1600 | 1 N. Dearborn St., Suite 950 Chicago, IL 60602 | GSR #125
Bridgeport Office
501 W. 35th St. Chicago, IL 60616 | GSR #39
Colman Office
4655 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60609 | GSR #46
Garfield Park Office
2651 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 | GSR #38
CPS Schools
Find detailed info about a school, including programs and admissions requirements, after school activities, family support services, and school performance reports.
CPS Networks
District-run CPS schools are organized into 17 networks, which provide administrative support, strategic direction, and leadership development to the schools within each network.
CPS Departments
Departments serve, guide, and provide resources to our parents, teachers, partners, and community. Visit our department directory to find department descriptions and contact information.