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Contact CPS

Office phone numbers and locations

Central Office
773-553-1000  |  42 W. Madison St. Chicago, IL 60602  |  GSR #125

Board Office
773-553-1600 | 1 N. Dearborn St., Suite 950 Chicago, IL 60602  |  GSR #125

Bridgeport Office
501 W. 35th St. Chicago, IL 60616  |  GSR #39

Colman Office
4655 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60609  |  GSR #46

Garfield Park Office
2651 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612  |  GSR #38

CPS Schools

Find detailed info about a school, including programs and admissions requirements, after school activities, family support services, and school performance reports.

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CPS Networks

District-run CPS schools are organized into 17 networks, which provide administrative support, strategic direction, and leadership development to the schools within each network.

Find A Network

CPS Departments

Departments serve, guide, and provide resources to our parents, teachers, partners, and community. Visit our department directory to find department descriptions and contact information.

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