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School and Network Attendance Resources

Absence Forms

Best Practices

  • CIWP Guidance [ English ]
  • Network Level Attendance Meetings [ English ]
  • Creating a Positive Attendance Culture [ English ]
  • Attendance and the MTSS Lens [ English ]

Daily Practices

  • Attendance Procedures Review [ English ]
  • Status Codes (Enrollment / Withdrawal) [ English ]
  • Attendance Process Protocol [ English ]
  • Attendance Coding Guidance for CPS Elementary and High Schools [ English ]

Practices for Distribution

Attendance Forms

  • CPS Call Collection Log [ English ]
  • Early Dismissal of Students Log [ ENGLISH ]
  • Parent Conference Notification [ English  |  Spanish ]
  • Parent / Guardian Conference Report [ English ]
  • Attestation of Enrollment and Residency [ English ]
  • Home School Registration [ English ]
  • Statement of Assurance (Parent-Taught Home Instruction) [ English ]
  • Unable to Locate / Lost Child Report [ English ]
  • Student Tardy Log [ ENGLISH
  • Eligible Program Student Entry/Exit Log [ ENGLISH ]