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Fiske Elementary School Graduate Closes Out Her Nine Years at the School as Valedictorian

14 June 2023

Ja'Mya believes that dedication and motivation are essential for achieving your goals. 

Fiske Student

While she had been a student at Fiske Elementary School in Woodlawn since kindergarten, Ja’Mya’s time in elementary school officially ended earlier this month. She finished her experience on a high note serving as her Class of 2023’s valedictorian. This accomplishment reflected how she positively impacted her peers and teachers at Fiske, and they certainly noticed the great example she set for everyone around her. 

“What I’ll remember most about Ja’Mya is her dedication. Across classes and across assignments, she always put her best foot forward,” said Mr. Murphy, her science teacher. “Whether it was in the classroom, doing multiple sports, or doing algebra after school, she gave her all in everything. It was very inspirational to all of us.” 

Get to know Ja’Mya more below.

What are your interests both inside and outside of the classroom?

Inside the classroom, I’m a history buff, and I also enjoy reading. I liked learning about the Renaissance, especially the music and art of that time period. The most recent book that I enjoyed is America by E.R. Frank. I liked how it flashes back and forth in time, and I thought it provided a good perspective. 

Outside of the classroom, I like to paint and do other creative activities. Sometimes, when I listen to music, lyrics from a song will inspire my artwork. 

How have you grown at Fiske? 

I’ll always remember that I was a huge crybaby when I started at Fiske. If I got anything wrong, I would start crying. I’m not that way anymore. I’ve become okay with getting things wrong, and I’m also much better at dealing with my emotions. I also think I’ve become more open-minded about different concepts and ideas. 

As valedictorian, how did you create your speech? 

My speech focused on how this year was a roller coaster for my class. I also talked about the teachers and the strong community at Fiske. Some of my favorite memories at Fiske are of spending time with my friends and the teachers. 

What advice would you give to next year’s eighth-graders at Fiske? 

Care. If you don’t care, I don’t think you can put your best foot forward. If you want something, you have to care to get it. You have to have the dedication and motivation to do something or you’re not going to be able to achieve it. 

Where do you see yourself in 20 years? 

I want to own two businesses. The first is a bakery because I like baking things. And the other is a daycare. I used to have a dream to become a teacher, but I don’t think I want to anymore. To stay on track toward these goals, I think I will have to create smaller goals along the way so I can stay motivated. 

If you could describe your time at Fiske in one word, what would it be and why? 

Fun. The students and the teachers make the experience fun for you. For example, we went on an HBCU trip that was a lot of fun. Even if you’re having a bad day, the community is going to do something to make the day fun and end the day on a good note. 

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